See also
Susannah SPELLER (aft1776- )
24 Nov 1808
Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND1
1807 (cal)
White Roothing, Essex4
15 May 1808 (age 0-1)
Abbess Roding - St.Edmund
son of James and Susannah FOX
Witness at wedding:
13 Jan 1830 (age 22-23)
Abbess Roding - St.Edmund5
of his brother Henry
6 Jun 1841 (age 30)
Abbotts Roothing, Essex, ENGLAND6
Address: Berwick Hamlet
6 Jun 1841 (age 33-34)
Ag Lab3
30 Mar 1851 (age 44)
Cranham, Essex4
Address: Near Upminster
30 Mar 1851 (age 43-44)
Farm Labourer4
27 May 1810 (age -2--1)
Abbess Roding - St.Edmund
son of James and Susannah FOX
1811 (cal)
Witness at wedding:
31 Oct 1830 (age 18-19)
Abbess Roding - St.Edmund10
of his brother Thomas
6 Jun 1841 (age 30)
High Laver, Essex9
Address: Matching Green
6 Jun 1841 (age 29-30)
Agricultural Labourer; High Laver, Essex9
30 Mar 1851 (age 40)
Abbotts Roothing, Essex, ENGLAND8
Address: Cottage
30 Mar 1851 (age 39-40)
Farm Labourer; Abbotts Roothing, Essex, ENGLAND8
7 Apr 1861 (age 53)
Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND11
Address: Cottages (Parkers Farm)
7 Apr 1861 (age 49-50)
Agricultural Labourer; Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND11
2 Apr 1871 (age 60)
Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND12
2 Apr 1871 (age 59-60)
Agricultural Labourer; Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND12
informant of death:
17 Apr 1871 (age 59-60)
Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND13
of his wife, Louisa
11 Aug 1873 (age 61-62)
3 Apr 1881 (age 71)
Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND15
Address: Nether Street
3 Apr 1881 (age 69-70)
Agricultural Labourer; Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND15
5 Apr 1891 (age 83)
Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND16
Address: Nether Street
27 Aug 1892 (age 85)
Abbess Roding, Essex, ENGLAND17
Cause: Old Age Exhaustion
Address: Nether Street
c. 1813
18 Apr 1813 (age 0)
Abbess Roding - St.Edmund
son of James and Susannah LITTLE
6 Jun 1841 (age 24)
Widford, Essex18
Address: Moss Cottages
6 Jun 1841 (age 27-28)
ag lab18
30 Mar 1851 (age 38)
Widford, Essex19
30 Mar 1851 (age 37-38)
ag lab; Widford, Essex19
c. 1819
31 Jul 1819 (age 0)
Abbess Roding - St.Edmund
dau of James and Susannah LITTLE
Marriage Record James Little Susannah Speller, (No.93 Parish of Abbess Roding). Essex Record Office, Chelmsford.
24th November 1805 after banns
X James Little Widower
X Susanna Speller Widow both of this parish
XWits: X Rebekah Lyons & Jonathan Surridge [Clerk?]
Parish Records of Essex. Abbess Roothing baptisms. Essex Record Office, Chelmsford.
On one off the front pages of the baptismal book there is a comment regarding James Fox's surname
"Henry, Son of James & Susannah Fox, baptised May 27th 1811. His Father, James, living at Nethers is sometimes call'd Fox - at other Times he is call'd Whitbread - & again call'd Little"
Possibly the Abess Roding marriage of John Whitbread to Sarah Little 27/11/1798 may have something to do with this.
1841 Census England. HO107?336/17 f7 p8. Cit. Date: 6 June 1841.
Census 1841 Abbotts Roothing, Essex
Berwick Hamlet
James FoxM88Ag LabY
Susannah FoxF60Y
Thomas LittleM30Ag LabY
Anne LittleF10Y
1851 Census England. HO107/1772 f806 p7. Cit. Date: 30 March 1851.
Census 1851 Cranham, Essex
Near Upminster
William MarableHeadMar26Farm LabourerUpminster, Essex
Anne MarableWifeMar20Fyfield, Essex
Mary Ann Marable Dau4daysUpminster, Essex
Mary MarableMotherWid48NurseBarton,Essex
Thomas LittleFather-in-lawWid44Farm LabourerWhite Roothing, Essex
Marriage record Henry Little Louisa Judd, (No.36 Parish of Abbess Roding). Essex Record Office, Chelmsford.
13th January after banns
X Henry Little, bachelor
Louisa Judd, Spinster both of this parish
Wits: X Thomas Little & Jonathon Surriage [Clerk?]
1841 Census England. HO107/336/17 f7 p8. Cit. Date: 6 June 1841.
Census 1841 Abbotts Roothing, Essex
Berwick Hamlet
James FoxM88Ag LabY
Susannah FoxF60Y
Thomas LittleM30Ag LabY
Anne LittleF10Y
Marriage Certificate Samuel Crabb/Susan Little, (No.52 Parish of Matching Essex).
At the Parish Church 5th October 1849 after banns
Samuel Crabb, full,widower, Labourer,Newmans End, Essex
f.George Crabb, Labourer
Susan Little, Minor,Spinster, Servant, Abbess Roding
f.Henry Little, Labourer
Wits: XJohn Battle & XMartha Battle
1851 Census England. HO 107/1771 f26 p11. Cit. Date: 30 March 1851.
Census 1851 Abbotts Roothing, Essex
HO 107/1771 f26 p11
Henry Little Head Mar 40 Farm Labourer Abbotts Roothing
Louisa Little Wife Mar 40 Hatfield
James Little Son Unm 20 Farm Labourer Abbotts Roothing
Luke Little Son Unm 15 Farm Labourer Abbotts Roothing
Stephen Little Son 11 Scholar White Roothing
Louisa Little Dau 9 Scholar High Laver
William Little Son 5 Scholar Abbotts Roothing
Joseph Little Son 4 Scholar Abbotts Roothing
Hester Little Dau 2 Abbotts Roothing
John Little Son 9mths Abbotts Roothing
1841 Census England. HO 107/336/7 f7. Cit. Date: 6 June 1841.
Census 1841 High Laver, Essex
HO 107/336/7 f7
Matching Green
Henry Little 30 Aglab Y
Louisa Little 30 Y
Susan Little 9 Y
James Little 10 Y
Luke Little 4 Y
Stephen Little 2 Y
Marriage record Thomas Little Mary Wallis, (No.40 Parish of Abbess Roding). Essex Record Office, Chelmsford.
31st October 1830 after banns
X Thomas Little, bachelor
X Mary Wallis, spinster both of this parish
Wits: X Henry Little & X Sophia Little
1861 Census England. RG 9 1066 f.18 p.2. Cit. Date: 7 April 1861.
Census 1861 Abbess Roding, Essex
RG 9 1066 f.18 p.2
Cottages (Parkers Farm)
James Little Head Mar 37 Ag Lab Good Easter
Lydia Little Wife Mar 30 Beauchamp Roding
Elizabeth Little Dau 2 Willingale Doe
Henry Little Head Mar 53 Ag Lab Abbess Roding
Louisa Little Dau Unm 20 Gen Servant High Laver
Joseph Little Son Unm 16 Ag Lab Abbess Roding
John Little Son 12 Ag Lab Abbess Roding
Henry Little Son 9 Scholar Abbess Roding
1871 Census England. RG 10 -1642 f.20 p.4. Cit. Date: 2 April 1871.
Census 1871 Abbess Roding, Essex
RG 10 -1642 f.20 p.4
Henry Little Head Mar 60 Ag Lab Abbotts Roothing
Louisa Little Wife Mar 54 Hatfield
Henry Little Son Unm 18 Ag Lab Abbotts Roothing
Death Certificate Louisa Little, (No.392 1871 deaths Ongar - Bobbingworth). Jim Tarbox,
16th April 1871 at Abbotts Roothing
Louisa Little 60 wife of Henry Little, Agricultural Labourer
c.o.d. Apoplexy 3 days certified
inf. X Henry Little, present at the death, Abbotts Roothing
Marriage record Luke Little Emma Patch, (No.350 Parish of Grays). Essex Record Office, Chelmsford.
11th August 1873 at Grays
Luke Little, 36,bachelor,labourer of Grays Thurrock
f. Henry Little, Labourer
X Emma Lydia Patch, 38 Widow of Gays Thurrock
f.Benjamin Bridge, Labourer
Wits: X James Benson & Ellen Stains
1881 Census England. RG 11/1740 f.19 p.3. Cit. Date: 3 April 1881.
Census 1881 Abbess Roding, Essex
RG 11/1740 f.19 p.3
Neather Street
Joseph Tween Head Mar 44 Ag Lab Abbotts Roothing
Louisa Tween Wife Mar 39 High Laver
George Tween Son Unm 18 Ag Lab Abbotts Roothing
William Twenn Son Unm 15 Ag Lab Abbotts Roothing
Ester Tween Dau Unm 13 Scholar Abbotts Roothing
Louisa Tween Dau Unm 10 Scholar Abbotts Roothing
Alice Tween Dau Unm 7 Scholar Abbotts Roothing
Elizabeth Tween Dau Unm 4 Scholar Abbotts Roothing
Henry Little Father-in-law W 71 Ag Lab Abbotts Roothing
1891 Census England. RG 12/1365 p8. Cit. Date: 5 April 1891.
Census 1891 Abbess Roding, Essex
RG 12/1365 p8
Nether Street
Joseph Tween Head M 54 Ag Lab Abbotts Roothing
Louisa Tween Wife M 49 High Laver
Elizabeth Tween Dau 14 Pupil Teacher Abbotts Roothing
Henry Little Father-in-law W 83 Abbots Roothing
Death Certificate Henry Little, (No.149 1892 deaths Ongar- Bobbingworth). Jim Tarbox,
23rd August 1892 at Nether Street, Abbotts Roothing
Henry Little 85 Farm Labourer
c.o.d Old Age Exhaustion cert: J.B.G. Gidley Moore LRCP Lond
inf. X Louisa Tween, daughter, present at the death, Nether Street, Abbotts Roothing
reg. 2/9/1892
1841 Census England. HO 107/326/11 f6 p5.
Luke Little,M,24,ag lab,Essex
Elizabeth Little,F,25,,Essex
Jane Little,F,3,,Essex
Joseph Little,M,1,,Essex
1851 Census England. HO107 /1775 f250 p11.
Luke Little,Head,Mar,M,38,ag lab,---,
Elizabeth Little,Wife,Mar,F,39,,High Easter, Essex,
Joseph Little,Son,Unm,M,11,,Writtle, Essex,
Ellen Little,Daughter,Unm,F,8,scholar,Widford, Essex,
Ester Little,Daughter,Unm,F,5,scholar,Widford, Essex,
Caroline Little,Daughter,Unm,F,2,Widford. Essex