See also
George Ford CONIBEAR (1822-1896)
Mary APSEY (c. 1825-1889)
4 Jul 1847
Bristol, Glouchestershire1
George Ford CONIBEAR1
8 Sep 1822
East Worlington, Devon
7 Apr 1861 (age 38)
Axminster, Devon & Dorset2
Address: Silver Street
7 Apr 1861 (age 38)
Carpenter; Axminster, Devon & Dorset2
3 Apr 1881 (age 57)
Crediton, Devon3
Address: Church Street
3 Apr 1881 (age 58)
Carpenter; Crediton, Devon3
5 Apr 1891 (age 69)
St.Sidwells, Devon4
Address: 11 Stores Place
5 Apr 1891 (age 68)
Carpenter; St.Sidwells, Devon4
16 Mar 1896 (age 73)
Crediton, Devon1
c. 1825
1 Jan 1826 (age 0-1)
Chardstock, Devon & Dorset
Address: St.Andrew's Church
25 Jan 1826 (age 0-1)
Axminster, Devon & Dorset1
Address: Wesleyan Chapel
25 Jun 1826 (age 0-1)
Axminster, Devon & Dorset
Address: Wesleyan Chapel
26 May 1837 (age 11-12)
Chardstock, Devon & Dorset5
Address: Lower Churchill
Possible share of two dwelling houses, gardens and orchard
7 Apr 1861 (age 35)
Axminster, Devon & Dorset2
Address: Silver Street
7 Apr 1861 (age 35-36)
Shoptender; Axminster, Devon & Dorset2
3 Apr 1881 (age 55)
Crediton, Devon3
Address: Church Street
26 Mar 1889 (age 63-64)
Crediton, Devon1
c. 1857
Chardstock, Devon & Dorset1
7 Apr 1861 (age 4)
Axminster, Devon & Dorset2
Address: Silver Street
14 Dec 1898 (age 40-41)
Crediton, Devon1
16 Jan 1899
of 10 Fordton Terrace,Crediton, retired butcher
Probate to Emily Conibear, widow
£1584 15s 3d
Q2 1864
Crediton, Devon1
18 Mar 1953 (age 88)
Liphook, Hampshire
29 Jul 1953
of Pencarrow, 21 Haslemere Road,Liphook,Hampshire
Probate to Olive Adele Conibear spinster and Robert Butler chief accountant
£3272 12s 7d
Elsie Person
1861 Census England. RG 9/1371 f.26 p.45. Cit. Date: 7 April 1861.
Census 1861 Axminster, Devon & Dorset
RG 9/1371 f.26 p.45
Silver Street
George Conibear Head Mar 38 Carpenter Washford, Devon
Mary Conibear Wife Mar 35 Shoptender Chardstock
Dorothy Conibear Dau 13 Bristol
Walter Conibear Son 8 Churchill
Georgina Conibear Dau 6 Churchill
William Conibear Son 4 Churchill
Anna Conibear Dau 1 Churchill
1881 Census England. RG 11/2230 f.12 p.1. Cit. Date: 3 April 1881.
Census 1881 Crediton, Devon
RG 11/2230 f.12 p.1
Church Street
George Connibear Head Mar 57 Carpenter Devon
Mary Connibear Wife Mar 55 Dorset
William Hoare Lodger Unm 21 Shoemaker Devon
John Dark Lodger Unm 18 Shoemaker Devon
1891 Census England. RG 12/1687 f.99 p.13. Cit. Date: 5 April 1891.
Census 1891 St.Sidwells, Devon
RG 12/1687 f.99 p.13
11 Stores Place
George F Conibear Head Wid 69 Carpenter Washford Pyne, Devon
Georgina Carpenter Dau Mar 35 Churchill, Somerset
Dora Carpenter Gdau 4 London
Hellina Carpenter Gdau 8 Scholar London
transcribed by www.chardstockweb, Will : William Keetch 1837, (Will dated 3 Aug 1836 proved at Sarum 26 May 1837). Wiltshire Record Office.
I give and devise unto my son William all that newly built Dwelling House and Offices with the Garden thereto adjoining situate at or called Lower Churchill within the Parish of Chardstock aforesaid my son William allowing my son Samuel to dig a small well under the hedge in pathway between my son Williams garden and my son Samuels house. To hold the said Dwelling House offices garden and premises to my son William his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof for him and their own use and benefit with full liberty of Ingress Egress and Regress to and for the person or persons for the time being entitled to the same.
And I give and devise all that newly built Dwelling House with the Garden adjoining the front thereof and the Linhay at the lower end of the said Gardens situate in Lower Churchill aforesaid to my son Samuel now in his possession together with all rights and appurtenances thereunto belonging. To hold the same unto him to my son Samuel his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof for his and their own use and benefit.
And I give and devise unto my son Thomas all that newly built Dwelling House with the Garden behind and front of the said Dwelling House adjoining the same situate in Lower Churchill and now in his possession Also a Right of foot path way at all times and as now used by him thorough my orchard adjoining the said last mentioned premises together with all tights and appurtenances to the said premises belonging. To hold the same unto him to my son Thomas his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof for his and their own use and benefit.
the same unto him to my son Thomas his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof for his and their own use and benefit.
And I give and devise all those two Dwelling Houses and Offices together with the Gardens adjoining the lower or Westem side and the orchard adjoining the Southern end thereof and the hedge which parts my son Williams Garden and my orchard also Twelve feet of the hedge turning the comer of my son Williams Garden all of which said last mentioned premises are situate in Lower Churchill aforesaid one of which is in my own possession and the other in the occupation of James Create as tenant thereof also all the Rest and remainder of the messuages tenements lands and hereditaments if any not hereinbefore given or devised or which I shall or may die siezed or possessed of or entitled to whether Freehold Copyhold Leasehold or otherwise to James Wescott of Lyme Regis in the County of Dorset Cordwainer in Trust for my Daughter Mary Keetch during her natural life for her own use and benefit without any impreachment of waste and should my daughter Mary hereafter be lawfully married and her husband survive her I give the aforesaid Two dwellings gardens and orchards and appurtenances thereunto belonging to James Wescott aforesaid in Trust for the surviving husband for his use and benefit during his natural life and after his decease should he die without issue by my daughter Mary I give it to James Wescott aforesaid in Trust to be divided equally between my said sons aforesaid and my daughter Hanah Clarke wife of George Clarke her share for the use and benefit of my three Grand Children by her former husband namely Ann Apsey, William Apsey and Mary Apsey their executors administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof.
Item The pathway between my son William and my son Samuel shall always remain the width it now is being at the Entrance Gate Ten feet and half between the garden hedge of my son William and the wall of the house of my son Samuel had at the end of my son Williams garden and opposite the right hand side of the door post of the out house adjoining the House occupied by James Create the width of it now is sixteen feet and my will is that my son William shall always keep the hedge well shared so as not to hang over the Pathway also my Daughter Mary shall keep the hedge well shared so as not to hang over my son William Garden.
Source: Wiltshire Record Office
Executor: James Wescott of Lyme Regis in the County of Dorset, Cordwainer
Witnesses: Charles Symes and William Langford
Effects sworn £200